RSA Security Analytics

RSA Security Analytics

Discover and Investigate Advanced Threats

RSA Security Analytics: A security monitoring platform that leverages and extends the architecture and analytics of RSA NetWitness. Security Analytics redefines SIEM by combining network monitoring, traditional log-centric SIEM, forensics, compliance, and big data management and analytics.

Big Data Security

Capture massive amounts of diverse and rapidly changing security-relevant data – including network packets, logs, and asset information – and pivot on terabytes of data in real time, executing forensic investigations that once took days in just minutes.

High-Powered Analytics

Gain the insight to perform both short- and long-term free-form contextual analysis, eliminating blind spots and enabling security analysts to view and understand data better and faster than ever before.

Threat Intelligence

Fuse threat intelligence from the global security community and RSA FirstWatch with your organization’s data to know what to look for and leverage what others have already uncovered.

Compliance Support

Automate the generation of compliance reports and support long-term forensic analysis, proving compliance as an outcome of good security practices.

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